Raw Water


What better housewarming gift can you ask for than some of the finest raw water the world has to offer? Pick some up today at https://rawwater-ahl1phuiph.shellweplayaga.me/

Solution Statistics

bcrypted answer
observations 639
solves 26
points 134
average solve seconds 44365 seconds, or about 12 hours
stddev solve time 29288 seconds, or about 8 hours

Solutions Over Time

solving teams:

solved by 26 teams

team solved at it took
mhackeroni 2023-05-27 19:52:50 UTC 4572 seconds, or 1.27 hours
Team Baguette 2023-05-27 20:31:24 UTC 6936 seconds, or 1.93 hours
PTB_WTL_0T 2023-05-27 20:36:43 UTC 7258 seconds, or 2.02 hours
orgakraut 2023-05-27 21:30:31 UTC 10548 seconds, or 2.93 hours
HypeBoy 2023-05-27 22:10:25 UTC 11438 seconds, or 3.18 hours
unlikely 2023-05-27 22:40:10 UTC 8294 seconds, or 2.3 hours
SuperDiceCode 2023-05-27 22:47:28 UTC 15082 seconds, or 4.19 hours
TWN48 2023-05-28 02:11:57 UTC 27443 seconds, or 7.62 hours
Never Stop Exploiting 2023-05-28 02:13:58 UTC 27425 seconds, or 7.62 hours
iine 2023-05-28 02:21:57 UTC 27585 seconds, or 7.66 hours
untitled 2023-05-28 02:22:07 UTC 28020 seconds, or 7.78 hours
Blue Water 2023-05-28 03:43:08 UTC 32904 seconds, or 9.14 hours
Straw Hat 2023-05-28 04:00:23 UTC 30066 seconds, or 8.35 hours
The Parliament of Ducks 2023-05-28 07:11:00 UTC 45369 seconds, or 12.6 hours
Budaejjigae 2023-05-28 08:29:59 UTC 49828 seconds, or 13.84 hours
undef1ned 2023-05-28 09:18:44 UTC 52776 seconds, or 14.66 hours
DTRUSH 2023-05-28 11:06:14 UTC 59519 seconds, or 16.53 hours
Heel Holland Hackt 2023-05-28 13:46:45 UTC 67935 seconds, or 18.87 hours
P1G BuT S4D 2023-05-28 14:58:24 UTC 73458 seconds, or 20.4 hours
Babbage Patch Kids 2023-05-28 15:56:18 UTC 76877 seconds, or 21.35 hours
dersnc 2023-05-28 15:59:26 UTC 76288 seconds, or 21.19 hours
if this doesn't work we'll get more for next year 2023-05-28 16:40:28 UTC 79488 seconds, or 22.08 hours
Norsecode'23 2023-05-28 16:48:22 UTC 79957 seconds, or 22.21 hours
0daysober 2023-05-28 17:24:25 UTC 81793 seconds, or 22.72 hours
Tea MSG 2023-05-28 18:45:07 UTC 84067 seconds, or 23.35 hours
tasteless 2023-05-28 19:30:37 UTC 88550 seconds, or 24.6 hours