

Are you better at computers than perribus?

(Unrelated to Rest and Attest)

Download the file at

$ md5sum perria.7z
2b55689eeac347d4ba787ab3d1a7862b perria.7z


Solution Statistics

bcrypted answer $2a$12$D8IlqpkOrGQ9BCSPAim.jesNX8rqBpc4HNw8ntKTA.EWvZ2jvzXFK
observations 148
solves 6
points 287
average solve seconds 17190 seconds, or about 5 hours
stddev solve time 6250 seconds, or about 2 hours

Solutions Over Time

solving teams:

solved by 6 teams

team solved at it took
Blue Water 2023-05-28 19:12:08 UTC 6655 seconds, or 1.85 hours
The Parliament of Ducks 2023-05-28 21:22:55 UTC 14496 seconds, or 4.03 hours
Straw Hat 2023-05-28 21:44:34 UTC 15791 seconds, or 4.39 hours
Katzebin 2023-05-28 23:09:55 UTC 20726 seconds, or 5.76 hours
Norsecode'23 2023-05-28 23:27:34 UTC 21980 seconds, or 6.11 hours
Shellphish 2023-05-28 23:52:24 UTC 23490 seconds, or 6.53 hours